What is Brainspotting
Brainspotting (BSP) is a powerful technique I use with clients. It allows them to process issues that are ordinarily difficult to work through. BSP locates a point in the visual field that correlates to an issue that the client is struggling with. Therefore, this therapy insists that where you look affects how you feel. By using eye position in this way, sub-cortical areas of the brain become active, which gives greater ability for reprocessing. So, if you struggle with worry, anger, depressed mood or trauma symptoms, BSP may help.
Furthermore, the developer’s at Brainspotting’s home site describe the therapy in this way,
Brainspotting gives us a tool, within this clinical relationship, to neurobiologically locate, focus, process, and release experiences and symptoms that are typically out of reach of the conscious mind and its cognitive and language capacity.
Integrating BSP into Counseling
An important aspect of Brainspotting is that it works alongside other therapies. BSP can integrate well with talk, CBT and Mindfulness approaches. Much like EMDR, Brainspotting has been shown to work with many issues, such as Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD and daily concerns. As science continues to show that that these issues are quite commonly manifestations of life experiences or traumas . These experiences have not been properly processed within the brain and it is understood that therapies such as this can help correct them.
Other Ways BSP Can Help
Performers of all kinds use BSP to remove psychological blocks. For instance professional athletes, singers and actors overcome performance based challenges that impede their work. For example MLB player Makey Sasser used BSP to work through a psychological block that affected his throwing. Watch the ESPN 30 for 30 Documentary. Performance anxietys of all kinds are treatable with BSP.
For an incredibe testimonial about PTSD and BSP, take a look at Ted’s story below.